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27-B2 Greenville WisconsinGreenville Lions

Join The Greenville Lions


Lions Clubs International

Whenever a Lions club gets together, problems get smaller. And communities get better. That's because we help where help is needed – in our own communities and around the world – with unmatched integrity and energy. Our 45,000 clubs and more than 1.3 million members make us the world's largest service club organization.

We're also one of the most effective at getting the job done. We recently:

•  Brought 3,000 volunteers together to build a playground for children of all abilities in California, USA.
•  Fed 60,000 people in a township in South Africa. It's something Lions do there every day.
•  Sent a team of eye surgeons to Honduras to treat more than 100 adults and children.
Everywhere we work, we make friends. With children who need schoolbooks, with seniors who need transportation and with people we may never meet.

We're led by talented, dedicated volunteer leaders from around the world. And, we're supported by the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), which helps to fund Lions humanitarian projects. 

The International Headquarters for both Lions Clubs International and the LCIF is in Oak Brook, Illinois, USA.

Link To Lions Clubs International   Link To Lions Clubs International Foundation

Wisconsin Lions

Link To Wisconsin Lions WebsiteThe Lions of Wisconsin are comprised of 557 individual clubs with a combined membership of  19,510 Lions. Wisconsin is one multiple district of Lions Clubs International, which has 45,757 clubs in 206 countries or geograph-ical areas. There are 1.35 million Lions worldwide.  The state office is located in Stevens Point and is overseen by Council Chairman PDG August Fortmann.

As a Greenville Lions Club member, you can:

•  Make a difference everyday in our community
•  Provide support locally or reach out internationally
•  Grow personally and professionally by participating in our programs, community service projects, Catfish Extravaganza, All-Sports Banquet and other events
•  Have an impact on local and international humanitarian issues
•  Develop relationships with both local and international community and business leaders
•  Have access to membership discounts and services

Greenville Lions Membership

Membership in the Greenville Lions Club is by invitation. If you are interested in membership, contact Lion President Mike Davis at (920)475-9194, email us or send a letter to Greenville Lions, PO Box 23, Greenville, WI 54942.


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